Chapter 10 - Natural Character Information The Council, in liaison with the Department of Conservation, will prepare and maintain a bibliography of published material on the natural and physical resources of the East Marlborough Coast and Wairau/ Awatere area. Identification of The natural and human use values supported by surface water the values of bodies within the Plan area are identified in Appendix A of water bodies Volume 1 of the Plan. These values include ecological, habitat, recreational and natural character values. Regard can be had to these values when considering resource consent applications required as a result of rules in this Plan. As more is learnt about the values supported by water bodies in South Marlborough, it is possible to add to Appendix A by way of plan change. The methods to achieve preservation of natural character in those areas where this is required by the Act, are the general outcome of a number of the rules provided by the Plan. Subdivision, use, or development are usually precursors to major changes to natural character. Controls ensure that these changes are not adverse. Rules will ensure, as far as is practicable, that subdivision, use and development harmonise with the natural character of the coastal environment and wetlands, lakes and rivers. 10.4 Anticipated Environmental Results Implementation of the policies and methods relating to natural character will result in: • The preservation of the natural character of the coastal and freshwater environments; and • The protection of the elements and features which significantly contribute to the natural character of the coastal environment and wetlands, lakes and rivers and their margins. 10 - 5