Chapter 13 - Open Space/ Recreation • Purchase and develop land for amenity purposes within or adjoining business areas. Policy 1.5 To take land instead of a cash contribution towards providing public open space and recreation areas from subdivision and/ or development, where this will add to the quality and diversity of open spaces and recreation areas in the District. Policy 1.6 To recognise the contribution of existing areas of open space, including private open space. Policy 1.7 To recognise and make plan provision for the operation of large scale private open spaces and recreational facilities. The objective is specifically concerned with the issue of accessibility and distribution of open spaces and recreational facilities. An equitable distribution is important in achieving convenience of access to open space and recreational opportunities, recognising the particular role or function of the open space or recreational facility in meeting the differing needs of the community. The policies are designed to ensure that accessibility and distribution are matched to population need and reflect trends in leisure time activities. Objective 2 To seek diversity in the type and size of open spaces and recreational facilities to meet local, district, regional and nationwide needs. Policy 2.1 To develop or facilitate the development of urban, regional or national open space and recreational facilities. Policy 2.2 To develop or facilitate a range of open space types and recreation facilities. This objective deals specifically with the provision of different types and sizes of open spaces and recreational facilities throughout the District. The range of types includes neighbourhood (local reserves), sports fields (district reserves), walkways, indoor sports facilities, swimming pools and other recreation facilities. This aspect relates to need in terms of age, specialised interest and ability rather than locational matters. The policy framework is reflecting the existing and potential recreation opportunities which exist in the District. Objective 3 To recognise the role of reserves and covenanted areas in protecting and enhancing the natural environment. Policy 3.1 To support the establishment of open space reserves and covenants to maintain and enhance the District’s conservation values Policy 3.2 To maintain and develop the reserve system to provide ‘green linkages’ throughout the District. Policy 3.3 To enhance the role of the District’s fresh and coastal water resources and their margins for conservation and environmentally compatible recreational uses 13 - 3