Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan 5 March 2015 a) Reflects the density of development; b) Is of sufficient area to provide for the amenity needs of those living and/ or utilising the development; c) Is accessible (with the degree of accessibility increasing with increasing density of development). d) Does not result in a subdivision layout that would cause poor amenity outcomes for individual properties, particularly in terms of property orientation (for solar access or relative to any road or other residential property) and shape. Policy 1.19 Subdivision and development associated with utility activities, roading projects and the generation of electricity, are generally exempt from the requirements for financial contributions as these activities are not likely to generate any additional demand for services or for open space or recreation. Objective 2 Ensure that the off-site or downstream adverse effects of subdivision or development are avoided, remedied or mitigated. Policy 2.1 Require that subdividers/ developers make provision for the upgrading of off-site servicing networks to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects of the subdivision/ development e.g. roading and access; water supply; sanitary sewage disposal; stormwater disposal; trade waste disposal and electricity supply. Policy 2.2 Ensure that the adverse effects of subdivision/ development on open space and community facilities are mitigated by requiring contributions towards the provision of additional open space and community facilities. Policy 2.3 The Council will waive or reduce contributions in relation to any particular proposals where the subdivider/ developer suggests alternatives to avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects of that proposal. Policy 2.4 Subdivision and development associated with utility activities, roading projects and the generation of electricity, are generally exempt from the requirements for financial contributions as these activities are not likely to generate any additional demand for services or for open space or recreation. 23.5.2 Scope of Services Water The subdivision of land is often followed by intensification or changes in land use, that subsequently increase the intensity of water usage. Where a proposed subdivision creates new allotments then there will be an increase in demand for potable water. That supply must be sufficient, potable and reliable. Development not requiring subdivision may also generate a similar demand. 23 - 12