Chapter 1 - Introduction 1.11 Information Requirements The Act sets out requirements for information to accompany resource consent applications in Section 88 and the Fourth Schedule of the Act. To ensure adverse effects on the environment are adequately considered, the Council will also develop activity specific information requirements. The type and level of detail of information required will vary according to the type, scale and frequency of anticipated effects; the sensitivity of the receiving environment; and the presence of special values at a site. Therefore, applicants should discuss their information requirements with the Council staff prior to lodging a formal application for a resource consent. With any application, sufficient information is required to enable understanding of the: • Type, nature, and scale of the proposed activity, including its intended location; • Type, nature, intensity, frequency and impact of anticipated effects of the proposed activity, together with ways it is proposed to mitigate those effects; • Level and nature of environmental risk associated with the activity; • Alternative locations or methods, as well as an explanation for choosing the selected option; and • consultation undertaken and the attitude of those consulted toward the Proposed activity. Without limiting the scope of the requirements for provision of information, all applications for resource consents shall provide the following information: • Outline of the activity; • Description of the characteristics of the site and location; • Map of the location; • Explanation of why the location is necessary for the activity; • Alternative activities, and locations considered; • Plans showing site activity and where appropriate site contours and vegetation; • Plans of all structures associated with the activity, at appropriate detail and scale to the proposal; • Description of how the activity will be undertaken, including construction, operation and maintenance schedules; • Description of materials to be used by the activity; • Other consents required by this Plan or any other plan prepared under the Act; and • Access location in relation to other accesses, road intersections and topographical features within 500m of the access. Volume Two of this Plan defines assessment criteria for specific activities. The Plan emphasis is on defining these assessment criteria rather than consent application information requirements. In this way resource consent applicants can understand how their application will be assessed, and therefore they are better able to determine the appropriate information required for that assessment. 1 9