25 August 2011 Chapter 9 - Coastal Marine 9.27 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 An effective, efficient and fair process for the allocation of the right to apply for coastal permits for marine farming in Aquaculture Management Areas. Policy 1.1 Allocation of authorisations by way of public tendering for coastal space in AMAs created through Council Plan Changes. Policy 1.2 Processes for obtaining the right to apply for coastal permits in AMAs that are effective, efficient and fair, and provide sufficient certainty for marine farmers to enable proposals for new AMAs and marine farms to be put forward for evaluation through standard and Council Invited Private Plan Changes. Policy 1.3 Allocation of new coastal space to iwi in accordance with the procedures established through the Aquaculture Reform 2004. 9.28 Methods of Implementation Zoning Aquaculture management areas (AMAs) will be included in the Plan as Aquaculture Management Area Zones (AMA Zones). Existing, lawfully established marine farms are deemed to be AMAs. All new marine farms must be established in an AMA Zone following the granting of the necessary resource consents for coastal permits. At some later date, Council may decide to propose new AMA Zones in the Plan by way of Council-initiated Plan Change or I P P C processes, as priorities and resources for Council determine. New AMA Zones may be established in the Plan by way of requests for Private Plan Changes. AMA Zones will be managed for aquaculture activities (marine farming). Right to apply Authorisations for available space within AMA Zones, which have for coastal been included in the Plan as a result of a Council-initiated Plan permits for Change, will be allocated by way of public tender. marine farming An alternative method is specified in the Plan for obtaining the right to apply for available space within AMA Zones which have been included in the Plan as a result of a request for a standard Private Plan Change. In these circumstances, the right to apply for available space within AMA Zones will be offered to the first person whose Private Plan Change was complete and successfully resulted in an operative AMA Zone for that area of coastal marine area. Where the right to apply for available space or the resulting coastal permit for marine farming is not taken up or lapses, allocation will be by way of public tender. 9 - 21