Chapter 11 Urban Environments Policy 1.6 Enable the establishment of activities which rely on a location close to industry and/ or which serve industrial activity provided any effects are compatible. Policy 1.7 Avoid the adverse effects of pedestrian activity on national routes adjacent to industrial zoned land that can arise from the establishment of retail activities. Policy 1.8 Avoid, remedy or mitigate the effects of industrial activity on any adjoining residential areas. Policy 1.9 Promote a high standard of environmental design and maintenance in industrial areas and require contributions to landscape planting in key landscape corridors and at entrances to Blenheim. Policy 1.10 Ensure that the size, height and bulk of industrial buildings and structures is compatible with the townscape and characteristics of individual sites. Policy 1.11 Avoid, remedy or mitigate the effects of any discharges or waste generated by industrial activity. Policy 1.12 Promote energy efficiency in industry as a means to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse environmental effects. Industrial activity has the potential to cause significant adverse effects, particularly affecting other activities. The policies establish two industrial zones, creating environments which are not suitable for all activities. Instead they have been created in order to contain the effects of industry to small areas. The policies recognise that industrial activity is necessary and needs to be accommodated within the Plan area. The objective of containing the effects of industrial activity will be assisted by a compact zone with no extra area than is necessary for the activity for which the environment or zone has been created. The intention of two separate industrial zones is to recognise the differences between several industrial areas within the Blenheim urban area and the larger industrial estates. The Industrial 2 Zone which has been applied to the Riverlands and Burleigh areas provides an environment for heavy industrial activity while the Industrial 1 Zone which is applied to those industrial areas within Blenheim recognises that a slightly higher environmental standard is necessary within the urban area, to ensure that adverse effects of industry are avoided so that the qualities of adjoining residential, open space or business areas are not compromised. State Highway 1 through Blenheim is, over much of its length, bounded by industrial zoned land. A similar situation applies in respect of State Highway 6, although the affected length is not so great. The safety and efficiency of these routes can be adversely affected by land use activities, which have a propensity to attract pedestrian customers, such as retail activity. Such activities are better located away from these national routes. 11.4.3 Methods of Implementation Zoning The Industrial 1 and Industrial 2 zones are identified on the planning maps within the Blenheim urban area and the Riverlands, and Burleigh industrial estates respectively. 11 - 25