20 March 2014 Chapter 6 - Fresh Water Rate Surface Water Resources Groundwater Resources Instantaneous rate (l/s) (normally) Not necessary unless very limit ed system Maximum daily rate (m³/day) Maximum weekly rate (m³/week) 6.3.1 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 To achieve equitable allocation and use of surface water and groundwater resources. Policy 1.1 To provide for the taking, use, damming and diversion of water with only minor adverse effects on freshwater resources as Permitted Activities. Policy 1.2 To establish and apply a triple class permit system for the taking of water and to set and enforce maximum allocations for each class. Policy 1.3 To issue water permits to take and use water for a period of 10 years where water resources are either fully allocated or over- allocated relative to the allocation limits set in this Plan or where water is to be taken from a resource for which no SFR has been established in the Plan. To issue discharge permits for a maximum period of 15 years for resources where the existing water quality is to be maintained and to issue discharge permits for a maximum period of 10 years in resources where the existing water quality requires enhancement. Policy 1.4 To set water permit volumes, initially and at either review or renewal, on the basis of water allocation guidelines or actual use as indicated by water meter readings. Policy 1.5 To use enforcement provisions of the Act where consent conditions are breached. Policy 1.6 To cancel water and discharge permits, subject to Sections 357 and 358 of the Act, where a resource consent has been exercised, but is not exercised for a continuous period of two years, and where reasonable justification for the lapse in use cannot be given. Policy 1.7 To ensure that new bores, intakes and dams are located and operated to avoid, remedy or mitigate interference effects on other water users. Policy 1.8 To require water metering by an accepted method as a condition of all water permits involving the taking and use of water. Policy 1.9 To review existing water permits for priority areas within 24 months of the Plan becoming operative, to impose a new condition on those permits requiring water metering and where necessary bring allocation into line with crop guidelines. Policy 1.10 To provide for an individual’s reasonable domestic needs, the reasonable needs of an individual’s animals for drinking water and for firefighting purposes as a priority over other users where there is no adverse effect on the environment. Policy 1.11 To ensure cross boundary issues in relation to a particular resource system are dealt with in a consistent manner. 6 - 7