Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan Council recognises that composting will also extend the life of the central landfill and will reduce soil and water contamination. 15.5 Methods of Implementation Rules Subject composting operations to rules to ensure that the effects of contaminants being discharged to the environment are avoided, remedied or mitigated. Education Promote waste reduction techniques, including the avoidance of waste through adopting cleaner production and reuse and recycling of materials. Promote waste minimisation to industry through implementation of an Environmental Integrity Programme. Inform the community about the benefits of composting and the methods to be employed to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects of composting. Incentives Use economic instruments to provide an incentive for waste minimisation. Advocacy The Council will advocate to the Minister for the Environment for the development of national systems to address waste minimisation and full environmental accounting of resources disposed of as waste. Other Provide compost bins at Transfer Stations for the separation of green waste prior to disposal and discounted landfill charges for the green waste. Rules are required to ensure that significant adverse effects on water, soil quality and amenity values are avoided, remedied or mitigated. However, many landuse activities are difficult to control or enforce by rules and as such require other methods, primarily education and incentives to achieve a desired attitude change. 15.6 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 The storage and transfer of solid and liquid waste materials in such a way that water and soil quality, land and water ecosystems, and amenity values are not adversely affected. Policy 1.1 Avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects associated with the transfer and storage of waste materials. The importance of the coastal and land resources for communities’ cultural, social and economic wellbeing demands the effects of storage or transfer of solid wastes are avoided so that there is no adverse effect on the potential or life-supporting capacity of those resources. 15 - 6