Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan • Control the location, size, and design of advertising signs visible from transport routes; • Set standards for activities to avoid, remedy, or mitigate adverse effects including effects on transport routes (such as glare, night lighting, smoke and dust discharges, liquid discharges, and shading from vegetation); • Control building location to maintain clear sight lines to all intersections and rail level crossings; • Specify: - Standards to be applied to the design and construction of public roads, private roads and access ways; - Provisions required for non-vehicle land transport including facilities for pedestrians, cyclists, and people with disabilities; - Where an existing road is extended or upgraded to serve a subdivision the Council will require the subdivider, as a condition of subdivision consent, to pay the full cost or contribute to the cost of the extension or upgrading in accordance with the level of benefit the upgraded road provides for the subdivision compared with other road users; - Amount of on-site vehicle parking required in association with land use activities; - Requirements for loading and access facilities required for activities which involve loading or delivery vehicles; - Standards for the construction and maintenance of vehicle crossings which seek to maintain public safety. The Plan provides for all public roads and parking areas as designated public works and will enable usual works and activities associated with roads within their boundaries. The Plan recognises designated railway lines and rail facilities. Proposed subdivisions and developments which create new roads or access ways will be assessed in terms of the objectives and policies of the Plan and will be required to comply with the specified standards. Where applications for resource consent are required, conditions may be imposed to ensure adequate provision for all forms of land transport including vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, and persons with disabilities. All proposed extensions to the physical transport infrastructure will be assessed in terms of the Plan’s policies relating to protection of the qualities of natural and physical resources (including water quality, land disturbance, landscape quality, protection of archaeological and historic sites). Transportation activities are subject to the Plan’s rules relating to environmental effects, including discharges to land, water, and air. 19 - 10