Chapter 9 - Coastal Marine Wairau Lagoons The Wairau Lagoons are of national and possibly international wildlife significance with many birds using the lagoons as a stopover site in their migration. The Lagoons are also an important breeding and nursery ground for many fish species found in Cloudy Bay. Any changes in the physical processes, water quality, water temperature, clarity, colour, or salinity of the lagoons may have a major adverse impact on the ecology of the Lagoons which leads to a reduction in its recreational and visual qualities. The Lagoons also have a very high spiritual value for the local tangata whenua. This area also has both Maori and European historical significance. The Lagoons have a high recreational value for various activities. The Boulder Bank The Boulder Bank is a nationally important landform and has extremely high historical and Maori spiritual value. The Bank acts as a buffer during storm events and protects the Wairau Lagoons area from waves and marine inundation. The Bank could also act as a buffer in the event of sea-level rise. Station Road There is an historic cable station (established after Whites Bay cable station) located at the end of Station Road. Muritai Scientific Reserve Muritai Scientific Reserve is of national importance. Located approximately 5 km south of the Awatere River mouth the reserve covers 4.6 hectares and comprises the coastal cliffs behind the foredunes. This is the only site where the rare native broom Chordospartium muritai is found naturally. The actual beach is of a pea gravel composition. Lake Grassmere Lake Grassmere has national importance as a stop over site for migratory birds although it is not located within the coastal marine area. Shingle beaches near Lake Grassmere and Marfells Beach The shingle beaches near Lake Grassmere and Marfells Beach are of national importance. The beaches act as a natural buffer for Lake Grassmere during storm events. Marfells Beach also has a moderately high recreational and landscape/ seascape value. Cape Campbell Kelp Beds These kelp beds (Macrocystis pyrifera) are the largest in the region and are believed to have regional significance although a detailed study of the beds and associated fish life has not been undertaken. 9 - 7