29 May 2014 Chapter 12 - Rural Environments (a) Measures, including fencing, bridges or culverts, to prevent stock entering onto, or passing across, the bed of any river, stream, creek, lake, wetland or significant ephemeral stream, and any drain; (b) Provision of an appropriate, non-grazed, buffer along the margins of any water body, including a river, stream, creek, lake, wetland or significant ephemeral stream, and any drain, to intercept the runoff of contaminants from grazed pasture, with reference to Appendices A, J and Q; (c) Provision for storage of dairy effluent, with all storage ponds sufficiently sized to enable deferral of application to land until soil conditions are such that surface runoff and/ or drainage do not occur; (d) Demonstration of appropriate separation distances between effluent storage ponds and any surface waterbodies to ensure contamination of water does not occur (including during flood events); (e) A nutrient management plan that includes nutrient inputs from dairy effluent, animal discharges, fertiliser, and any other nutrient input. The quality and quantity of the District’s water resources are essential to the prosperity and pleasantness of the District, in terms of their life supporting capacity; their availability for domestic and productive use; and their integral part in the recreation and tourism values of the District. Efficient use of this water is essential to safeguard the quality and quantity of water for future generations. 12.4.3 Methods of Implementation Zoning Represent the Rural area by way of Rural 4 Zoning. Expansion to Ward and Seddon, which may result if the Clifford Bay ferry terminal proceeds, will be examined by way of a resource study which would be implemented through the plan change process. Rules Plan rules will provide for activities and a zoning pattern on the basis of their effects on the sustainable management of the rural area generally. Plan rules will provide water quality standards and controls on discharges. Plan rules will provide water allocation mechanisms. Subdivisional controls will be applied to ensure that rural amenities will be protected. Land disturbance rules will provide for control of sediment and debris in rivers and watercourses. Vegetation clearance rules will control vegetation and habitat disturbance. 12 - 17