Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan # Location Class Important Values Concerns Water Desired Quality Out- Classifi- come cation Wairau Catchment 14 Ribbon lagoons/ High Unique natural wetland Vulnerable to drainage F M coastal beach habitat. or development. swamps and Bird habitat - waterfowl Instream barriers to fish drains and upland game. passage. Fishing - eel, inanga. Stock pollution and Recreation area - nature damage to riparian watch. margin. Biodiversity in landscape. Reduction in water Flora – Nationally quality from adjacent vulnerable specie. landuse. 15 Wairau Diversion Medium Fishing - whitebaiting, Bar blocking. F, FS M kahawai, trout. Instream barriers to fish Recreational area - passage from Diversion. picnicking, passive. Salinity changes. Fish passage and habitat. Inconsistent low flows Bird passage and habitat. due to uncontrolled division with Lower Wairau. 16 Wairau Lagoons High Significant for iwi. Reduction in water F, SG E Nationally significant quality from adjacent wetland habitat. landuse. Bird habitat - terns, shags, Infilling by willows, waterfowl, banded aquatic weeds and dotterel, migrant waders, sediment. royal spoonbill. Partial bar blocking Recreational area - nature leading to changes in watch, passive and salinity and changes to hunting. tidal flushing levels and Fishing - eel. flows. Natural biodiversity - Stock pollution and 90 species of marine, damage to riparian freshwater fish and birds. margin. 17 Copp’s Wetland High Wetland habitat Reduction in water F M (recognised by QE II Trust quality from adjacent covenant) landuse. 18 Roses Overflow High Fish habitat - whitebait Reduction in water F, FS M spawning. quality from adjacent Fishing - whitebait, trout. landuse. Recreational area - Stock pollution and hunting, passive. damage to riparian Bird habitat - crake. vegetation. Native biodiversity - Instream barriers to fish 9 species. passage. App A - 6