5 March 2015 Chapter 19 - Land Transport Annual Plan The Council will continue to make provision for capital works and maintenance of land transport infrastructure throughout the Wairau/ Awatere Plan area. Code of Practice The Council has developed a Code of Practice for Subdivision and Development which serves as a practical guideline for the construction of roads and other services infrastructure. Compliance with the construction methods stated in the Code will be accepted as compliance with the standards specified in the Plan. Subdivision Provision will be made for subdivision and development to be Standards designed in accordance with recognised Subdivisions Standards (such as NZS4404:2010) where meeting such standards meets or exceeds the anticipated environmental results. Advocacy The Council will pursue with telecommunication and electricity service providers the undergrounding of reticulation on Nelson Street/ Middle Renwick Road from Grove Road to Rose Street in order to enhance this entranceway to Blenheim. The Council will not consent to any redundant power poles being made available for use by another network operator. Other The Council will continue to maintain and extend the network of pedestrian and cycle routes and facilities throughout the Wairau/ Awatere Plan area. The Council will continue to work with other agencies, notably Department of Conservation, in maintaining and upgrading the network of recreational walkways throughout the Wairau/ Awatere Plan area. The Council will continue to maintain and upgrade facilities for cyclists on existing roads and will continue to work with Transit New Zealand to upgrade facilities and safety for cyclists on the State Highways. The Council will work with New Zealand Police (Traffic Safety Service) to encourage heavy vehicles to use the national and arterial routes indicated in the roading hierarchy. The Council will seek, through appropriate road signage and road speed environment, to ensure that high volumes of traffic use the national and arterial routes indicated in the roading hierarchy in preference to collector and distributor routes. Liaison The Council will continue to liaise with Central Government in terms of national initiatives to monitor and reduce overall emissions affecting the atmosphere and the Government’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions by the year 2000. The Council will forward copies of resource consents and subdivisions of land adjacent to state highways to Transit New Zealand to ensure that any adverse effects on the safe and efficient operation of the state highway network are able to be identified and avoided, remedied, or mitigated as appropriate using either the Resource Management Act or the Transit New Zealand Act. The Council will forward copies of resource consents and subdivisions of land adjacent to the Main Trunk Railway Line to Tranz Rail Limited to ensure that any adverse effects on the safe 19 - 11