Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan Policy 3.4 To develop and manage the recreational use of the surface and margins of the District’s wetlands, lakes rivers in a way that does not adversely affect their natural, ecological and existing recreational values and, where applicable, their flood management function. Policy 3.5 Protect the flora, fauna and natural character of open space areas through appropriate control of activities in and adjoining covenanted and reserve areas. Reserves provide a positive opportunity to preserve areas of natural environment and enhance appreciation of conservation values. There is a strong relationship between this section and the objectives and policies relating to natural character, water, flora and fauna, coastal marine, landscape, and subdivision 13.3 Issue Adverse environmental effects arising from recreational activities. In undertaking recreational and reserve management activities consideration is required to be given to the avoidance, remediation or mitigation of adverse effects on the environment as well as the minimisation of conflicts between different recreational activities and other activities. These can include pest control for ecological management purposes, the scale of buildings and the effects of intensive use and carparking, (for example), or the competition for space between exclusive use sports and the general public. 13.3.1 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 That the establishment or development of open space and recreational facilities is undertaken in a manner which enables adverse effects on the environment to be avoided, remedied, or mitigated. Policy 1.1 To ensure that activities associated with open space and recreational facilities do not give rise to adverse environmental effects (e.g. excessive noise, glare, visual detraction) without separation or mitigation measures being employed. Policy 1.2 To ensure that building development in association with open space and recreational facilities maintains or enhances the amenity values present in the locality. Policy 1.3 To ensure that the development and use of open space and recreational facilities does not detract from the operational efficiency and safety of the roading network, or amenity values of adjoining streets. Activities associated with open space and recreational facilities can have adverse environmental effects. Open spaces and recreational facilities occur throughout the Wairau/Awatere, although often they are located within living areas. Equally varied are the types of activities associated with these areas and consequently the potential to generate a range of adverse effects. 13 - 4