Chapter 9 - Coastal Marine The water quality standard is the minimum needed to achieve Objective 5.3.2 of the Marlborough Regional Policy Statement, “that water quality in the coastal marine area be maintained at a level which provides for the sustainable management of the marine ecosystems”. Shellfish are a good water quality indicator species because of their filter feeding characteristics and their accumulation and harbouring of contaminants. The policies identified work to achieve the standard set by Objective 1. Discharges of contaminants from a point source to the coastal marine area have the potential to significantly affect coastal water. In particular, human sewage, even when treated, carries with it a greater potential for the transmission of disease than any other contaminant. Its discharge to water is also intolerable to Maori, therefore there is a necessity for stringent control over this. Some consideration over marine-based effects on water quality is needed under this Plan, but the majority of control comes from regulations under Sections 15A, 15B and 15C of the Act and the Maritime Transport Act 1994. Run-off from land is possibly the most pervasive form of pollution in the Wairau/Awatere Plan area. The Plan acknowledges this both above and throughout the Plan. Control is needed at the source of the problem, namely on land. 9.4 Methods of Implementation Rules Rules will be used to manage new point source discharges into the coastal marine area, or that affect the coastal marine area. Existing or proposed discharges will be assessed as a Discretionary Activity where consent will only be granted subject to an upgrading of the discharges to shellfish gathering standards. Standards The Council will adopt accepted national water quality standards such as the ANZECC Guidelines. The Council has adopted an SG Water Quality Classification for the coastal marine area (see Appendix J - Volume Two). Education The Council will prepare guidelines on riparian management and land management generally to encourage voluntary improvements in sediment discharge. Enforcement The Council will initiate a programme to ensure that unlawful discharges in the coastal marine area are discontinued. Support The Council will in conjunction with interested persons/ organisations, organise or support beach clean up operations as required. National/ Other The Council will implement national controls pursuant to Controls Sections 15A - C of the Act in relation to discharges from ships. In accordance with the Maritime Transport Act, the Council will implement a Tier II Oil Spill Contingency Plan to mitigate the adverse effects of oil pollution in the coastal marine area. Monitoring The Council will undertake a comprehensive coastal water quality monitoring programme in conjunction with other relevant agencies that involves: (a) State of the environment monitoring including: 9 - 5