20 January 2011 Chapter 9 - Coastal Marine 9.0 Coastal Marine 9.1 Introduction East Marlborough’s coastal marine area is highly varied with contrasts of rocky and mudstone reefs, gravel beaches and the shallow Wairau Lagoons. Cloudy Bay is dominated by the marine gravel ridges of Rarangi and the 7 km long Boulder Bank. Behind this boulder bank are the Wairau (or Vernon) Lagoons. The Wairau Estuary, Chandlers, Big and Upper Lagoons are a large expanse of semi- enclosed shallow water. Water passes between the wetlands and the sea via a gravel and sand channel which has been extensively modified by a rock guide bank. This guide bank has been built, improved and maintained by Harbour and River Authorities for approximately 100 years. Between the Boulder Bank and Cape Campbell to the south are the White Bluffs and steep shingle/ gravel beaches. Mudstone platforms occur south of Cape Campbell. Between Cape Campbell and Wharanui the coastline is dominated by pea-gravel and gravel beaches interrupted by rocky headlands and reefs. The unique limestone outcrops of the Chancet Rocks and the Needles are located along this section of coastline. Sandy beaches and a small wetland at the Waima (Ure) River mouth are situated south of Ward Beach. The East Marlborough Coast presents several issues of major concern to local iwi. Discussion with other key users of the coast revealed the following commonly-voiced concerns or issues: Wairau Estuary and Lagoons - concerns relating to effluent discharges, management of the river mouth and protection of matters of iwi significance and special conservation elements. Coastal water quality. Access to and along the coast. Natural hazards. Coastal Development eg; the possible development at Clifford Bay of a ferry terminus which represents a significant new activity in the Coastal Marine Area (the effects of which have been examined through the Resource Consent process). 9.1.1 Coastal Occupancy Charges The Resource Management Amendment Act 1997 gave regional councils the opportunity of introducing a charging regime for the occupation of coastal space within the coastal marine area. The amendment placed a responsibility on councils to place a statement in their regional coastal plans, either to set out a charging regime 9 - 1