Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan 29 July 2014 Therefore, current amenity levels in the rural areas of Marlborough are characterised by fluctuations in amenity because of both routine and seasonal land based primary production management practices. These fluctuations should be accepted as anticipated components of rural amenity values, particularly by those choosing to live in rural areas. This does not mean that the duty under Section 17 of the RMA to avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects of activities is removed. The policies seek generally to enable established rural land uses and associated management practices to continue to operate sustainably in rural areas, so long as the effects from these uses do not constitute a general nuisance or health risk. The Plan sets out the expected amenity levels for rural areas to protect human health and safety. This should ensure that the potential for reverse sensitivity conflicts between the expectations of rural residents and those undertaking rural land uses are avoided, as far as possible. Objective 3 Manage the land resource and associated waste discharges in such a way as to protect the life supporting capacity of the soils; and surface, ground and coastal water quality and quantity (consistent with the human consumption of groundwater and fish from surface waters); water contact recreation; and the maintenance of the natural and scenic values of the water resources and their associated ecosystems. Policy 3.1 To encourage the efficient use of water, thereby conserving both water quantity and quality. Policy 3.2 To avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects of discharges on the life supporting capacity of soils and water quality. The Deferred Township Residential Zone at Rarangi will only develop when a permanent potable water supply has been installed and service connection made to all properties in both the Deferred Township Residential Zone and the Township Residential Zone. Policy 3.3 To safeguard the natural character and nature conservation values of the riparian margins and associated ecosystems. Policy 3.4 To ensure that regard is given to the effect of activities on water quality, water yields and the water requirements of indigenous ecosystems, when considering resource consents. Policy 3.5 To manage land use activities in a manner that avoids, remedies or mitigates the contamination or sedimentation of surface water bodies. Policy 3.6 Require land use consent for the establishment and operation of any new dairy farm Policy 3.7 Approve land use consent applications for new dairy farms where the proposed farming would have no more than minor adverse effects on ground, surface, and coastal water quality, or wetland. A land use consent application must identify the risks of new dairy farming and provide measures to address those risks, including as a minimum: 12 - 16