Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan Education and Contractors will be advised of appropriate environmentally friendly co-operation methods and river management. Landowners will be encouraged to fence off river and stream margins. Landowners will be encouraged to implement appropriate conservation management measures on river and stream margins. Code of Practice Any body or person authorised to carry out river works shall adhere to the ‘Rivers Management Code of Practice' contained within the Council document 'Marlborough Rivers - Management and Ecology (1994)' which will specify the manner in which river control works shall be carried out. Land Acquisition The Council will require esplanade reserves and strips in accordance with the requirements in relation to subdivision and development. (Refer to “Esplanade Reserves and Esplanade Strips” in Standard Requirements for Subdivision and Development, Volume Two). The Council may consider acquiring sites with outstanding ecological values particularly if the land has other values for Council activities. The Council will also encourage other appropriate agencies to do this. Voluntary Action The Council will encourage the attachment of conservation covenants on private property titles to protect riparian strips on rivers greater than 3 metres in width. Council On suitable Council owned floodway land or river margins the Activities Council will plant and maintain indigenous and other appropriate vegetation. Consult with other interested parties wishing to develop wetland and other areas on Council owned floodway land. Prepare reports on environmental enhancement options for the Spring Creek, Roses Overflow, Tuamarina, Opawa River, Opawa Loop, Taylor, Onamalutu, Renwick urban waterways and other river reaches. The Council will carry out gravel extraction and channel shaping works near the diversion of the Lower Wairau and Wairau Diversion with the target of keeping average and low flows in the Lower Wairau of 50% to 80% of the total Wairau flow, but flood flows at 45%. Operational plans will be developed in consultation with affected parties for Gibsons Creek, Grovetown Oxbow Lagoon and the Opawa Loop where the flow is predominantly controlled by Council operated gates. The Council will investigate the restriction of tidal flow to the Wairau Recreation Reserve estuary. Monitoring Surveys will be carried out to determine instream values for important rivers and how these values change with time or are affected by river control, adjacent land use, water abstraction or other factors. 4 - 10