Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan With regard to areas of significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitat of indigenous fauna the Council will: • Provide information to landowners and the public to raise awareness of the importance of protecting areas of significance, through newsletters and state of the environment reporting. • Encourage landowners to share information with the Council and directly affected others where there are sites of significance on their property. • Provide information direct to landowners on the range of management options available to protect sites of significance. • Encourage the voluntary implementation of regimes such as voluntary retirement, QEII Trust and other covenants, the establishment of reserves and voluntary restoration to achieve the protection of areas of significance. Pest Maintain a regional pest management strategy with a focus on Management protecting indigenous vegetation, fauna, soil and water quality. Place conditions on resource consents where appropriate, to assist in containing/ eradicating plant and animal pests. Land Acquisition The Council may consider acquiring sites with outstanding ecological values where land purchase is the only means available for protection of the values. The Council will also encourage other agencies to do this. Research The Council will undertake survey work in conjunction with other relevant agencies to identify ecological values requiring protection. Financial The Council will provide financial incentives to encourage the Incentives protection of areas of significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna. Incentives may include: • Waiver of resource consent application fees for activities with the potential to assist in the protection of significant areas; and/ or • Waiver or reduction of development contributions where developments, including subdivisions, will achieve protection or rehabilitation of a significant area; and/ or • Providing funding assistance for protection and management of sites e.g. fencing and pest control; and/ or • Through the annual planning process, consider granting reductions in rating for properties where sites are protected through conservation covenants; and/or • Funding made available from central government for the protection of areas of significant indigenous vegetation and habitats of indigenous fauna. Rules can go some way towards protection of indigenous fauna and flora. Education will most likely have the greatest benefit over time. 4 - 6