Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan Uncontrolled abstractions from groundwater resources could lead to aquifer compaction, salt water intrusion, or a reduction or cessation of spring flows. The direct discharge of contaminants to water, particularly from point sources (such as pipes or drains) can adversely affect water quality. Effects can include increased temperatures, altered pH, increased nutrient and bacteria loads, changes in the colour, and clarity of the water and an increase in the existence of biological growths. Degraded water quality can also adversely affect other users by preventing the safe use of water for drinking or contact recreation. Given the recharge value of the Wairau River it is particularly important that surface water quality is managed to maintain groundwater quality. It is important that the fresh water resources of the plan area are managed in such a way that existing user demands on the resource can continue to be met without adversely affecting other users or the life supporting capacity of the resource. 6.2.1 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 To provide for the taking, use, damming and diversion of fresh water in a manner which safeguards the life supporting capacity of the resource and avoids, remedies or mitigates any adverse effects on the environment. Policy 1.1 To maintain surface water flows at levels which safeguard the life supporting capacity of the resource by setting and enforcing Sustainable Flow Regimes (SFRs) in terms of specified river flows. Policy 1.2 To maintain groundwater levels and flows at levels which safeguard the life supporting capacity of the resource by setting and enforcing Sustainable Flow Regimes (SFRs) in m/ year. 3 Policy 1.3 To establish groundwater SFRs to: • Prevent damage to the physical structure of the aquifer such as compaction in the Southern Valleys Water Management Zone; • Prevent reductions in the quality of spring flows eg: Spring Creek from the Wairau Aquifer; • Prevent a landward shift of the seawater/ freshwater interface, eg: Rarangi Shallow Aquifer; • Protect the instream habitat and ecology; and • Provide for maintenance or enhancement of water quality. Policy 1.4 To determine SFRs on the basis of monitoring information. New SFRs and amendments to SFRs will be determined in consultation with representatives from Iwi, Department of Conservation, Fish and Game Council and water users. Amendments to existing SFRs would be achieved through a change to the Plan. Policy 1.5 To set the SFR for fresh surface waters to: • Protect instream habitat and ecology; • Improve fish passage and spawning grounds; • Protect the natural character of freshwater resources; • Maintain water quality; 6 - 2