Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan 29 May 2014 Landcare Group The Council will encourage the establishment of a Landcare Group with membership from residents, iwi, the Department of Conservation and the Salt Works company. The Council recognises the importance of the Lake Grassmere Salt Works in terms of its national, regional and district significance. The Council has therefore specifically identified the area used by the salt works operation and provided it with a zone to allow for its continued operation. The salt works situation is unique in New Zealand. It also presents the advantage that the bulk of the activities contemplated are already established. They can be seen and have been seen in operation. Because of this circumstance, although the proposed provisions break new ground, a degree of permissiveness (enablement) has been incorporated into the rules regime, where established activities are environmentally of low impact, e.g. seawater (coastal water) take. Conversely, rules of a more limiting status have been applied to the likes of anticipated aquaculture activities and associated practices, where a level of precaution is warranted. This approach is consistent with Part II of the Act, in that it recognises “sustainable management” and accords with the Act’s purpose. The Council considers that the establishment of a Landcare Group or similar would be of benefit to those with interests in the area, particularly in terms of the continued management of the effects of the salt works operation at the boundary of the Zone. 12.9 Anticipated Environmental Results • The sustainable management of the life supporting capacity of the versatile soils of the Wairau/ Awatere; • Sustainable management and enhancement of the life supporting capacity of the soils, including a robust, diverse and intact vegetation cover; • Environmentally sound farming practices based on: - Strategies enhancing, maintaining and restoring soil structure and fertility, and minimising soil erosion; - Strategies enhancing efficiency in the use of energy, water fertiliser and pesticide inputs; and - The use of systems for the sustainable management of weeds, pests and diseases. - Strategies avoiding, remedying, and mitigating adverse effects of land use activities on water quality; • A level of spaciousness and openness in the rural areas, which enables the undertaking of a wide range of rural land uses and land management practices without increasing the potential for loss of amenity values or conflict between activities; • Land uses and land management practices which do not create unacceptable or significant conflict with neighbouring land based activities, including adjoining urban areas; • Maintenance of a level of rural amenity, including privacy, rural outlook, spaciousness, ease of access and quietness, consistent with the range of permitted activities in the rural zones; 12 - 26