Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan C = estimated cost of upgrading required to existing services to serve total number of properties currently in area. B = potential total number of lots likely to be in the area to be served by the upgraded service, when the area is fully developed. A = total number of lots in area which are served by the service. The Council’s Annual Plan sets out priorities for funding of specific land purchases and also provides the current financial information to enable the services contribution formula to be applied. It also makes provision for accommodating holding costs on a case by case basis where the Council is required to act as interim banker in circumstances where a stage of subdivision/ development is beyond the physical reaches of the existing network. 4. Open Space/Community Faciliti es. Subdivision/ development can give rise to a reduction in open space and, ultimately, as population increases, there is a greater demand for open space, recreational and community facilities. The Council administers a “Reserves and Recreation Policy”. The Annual Plan process, sets out objectives and policies to mitigate the adverse effects of subdivision/ development by acquiring land and maintaining and developing existing reserves and facilities. Fundamental to these objectives is the acquisition and development of community facilities and reserves from reserve fund contributions and development levies. For the purposes of this Plan, development levies and reserve fund contributions referred to should be viewed as “cultural and amenity contributions”. 23.5.1 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 Ensure that the direct on-site adverse effects of subdivision/ development are avoided, remedied or mitigated through the necessary supporting framework of services and amenities. Policy 1.1 Ensure that standards for urban residential subdivision and development are consistent with the availability and receiving/ supply capacity of existing and affordable urban servicing infrastructure, and take account of the finite limitations of the available infrastructure. Policy 1.2 Require that subdividers and/ or developers provide all on-site services to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects arising from the subdivision/ development of the land resource. Policy 1.3 Integrate new subdivision/ development roads into the existing network to adequately cater for expected increase of traffic generation and the safe access and movement of vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. Policy 1.4 Provide new pedestrian linkages and cycle routes, particularly in larger residential subdivisions, and where practical the extension of existing routes. 23 - 10