Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan Inform water users about the effects of their activity on other users, in particular the adverse effects associated with location and operation of bores, intakes and dams, and the inequity associated with water allocations above that reasonably required by the user. Public Publicise appropriate flow and level information during dry periods Information via the media to inform water users when rationing is imminent and when point source discharges should cease and when rationing is required. Liaison Continue to liaise with iwi, Nelson-Marlborough Fish and Game Council, Department of Conservation, water users and the community regarding the value assigned to resources in terms of their cultural, recreational and ecological requirements. This information will be considered when reviewing and establishing SFRs and reviewing the water classification standards. To encourage water users to reach voluntary agreements, the Council will establish Water User Groups for resource systems where rationing levels have been set, these being: • Awatere River; • Omaka River Valley Catchment; • Waihopai River; and • Fairhall River Gravels Aquifer. Where other resource systems begin to experience water shortages rationing trigger levels and Water User Groups will be established. This will be implemented by way of a plan change. Liaise with Water User Groups during rationing periods to ensure rationing of consent allocations is consistent with the Council’s rationing strategy, yet still sustainable (ie; prevents SFRs from being breached by abstractions). Liaise with bordering district and regional councils, in particular Canterbury Regional Council, to ensure that cross boundary issues are dealt with in a consistent manner Incentives Use incentives to encourage the efficient use of water. Incentives will include Controlled Activity classification for some water permits, and will include exemption of water retained in storage from controls, particularly controls during rationing periods. The Council will also make some permits available to those users with existing storage when permits are renewed. Research Commission research into drought planning for the region. Continue research to better determine efficient water use requirements for different activities. Also undertake specific research to determine the actual daily consumption of water from domestic properties for reasonable use. This information will be used to guide land management decision making in water short management zones. 6 - 14