Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan Unfenced Channels Unfenced stock can directly affect fauna, flora or water quality. Adjacent Land Uses These can cause changes in sedimentation or water quality. Appendix A lists ecological values and concerns attributable to the more important waterways. The general lack of specific knowledge about the ecological values of the Plan area mean a precautionary approach should be taken to any use or development of the water resources. As a matter of principle cognisance should be taken of: • Physical factors - depth of water, flow patterns, water quality, banks and margins, physical diversity and slopes. • Vegetation factors - shading, shelter, nesting, spanning links, water quality, buffering and physical support. • Animal factors - feeding, breeding, nesting/ shelter, escape, migration and movement. Discharges Discharges can affect water and habitat quality as well as causing direct and indirect effects on flora and fauna. 4.3.2 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 The protection and enhancement of freshwater and riparian ecosystems. Policy 1.1 To provide for the protection and natural functioning of aquatic ecosystems by avoiding, remedying and mitigating the adverse effects of water abstraction from all rivers, including the setting of sustainable flow regimes for specified important rivers. Policy 1.2 To set water quality standards which provide for the protection and natural functioning of aquatic ecosystems and to control point and manage diffuse source contamination to maintain water quality standards. Policy 1.3 Maintain and enhance wetlands, lakes and rivers as natural corridors where water and riparian margins can act as links along which fauna can move and flora can spread. Policy 1.4 In the absence of detailed knowledge on the hydrology or ecology of rivers, lakes and wetlands in the plan area, adopt a precautionary approach when considering changes to freshwater ecology and instream values. Policy 1.5 To recognise and provide for the protection of the habitats of indigenous fish and birds, and trout and salmon in wetlands, lakes and rivers. Policy 1.6 Avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects of river work activity. 4 - 8