Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan 11.5.3 Methods of Implementation Zoning The ‘Rural Township’ zone is identified on the planning maps within the Renwick, Seddon, Ward, Grovetown, Spring Creek, and Wairau Valley townships and Oak Tree Cottage. Expansion to Ward and Seddon, which may result if the Clifford Bay ferry terminal proceeds, will be examined by way of a resource study which would be implemented through the plan change process. Rules Plan rules provide for commercial and industrial activity subject to performance standards. Performance Performance conditions are incorporated to address such matters as Conditions local amenity values (i.e. controlling design and siting of development with building height, coverage, noise standards, car parking requirements, etc.) discharges and traffic safety. Rules Plan rules control advertising signs with conditions to manage any potentially adverse landscape, amenity or traffic distraction effects. Other The Council will promote ongoing landscape improvements of the main transport corridors within rural township areas. Zoning and rules including performance standards are considered to be the most effective method of ensuring the provision and protection of rural township environments. All activities will be subject to performance standards to ensure people are not subject to adverse effects from neighbouring activities. Those activities unable to meet specified standards are required to go through the consent process so that any adverse effects on the township may be assessed. 11.6 Anticipated Environmental Results Implementation of the policies and methods relating to the urban environment will result in: • A compact and coherent urban form; • Retention of the character of the residential environments in the Wairau/ Awatere; • Prosperous business centres contributing to the visual character of the urban environment; • Attractive, safe and pleasant industrial areas; and • A mixture of low intensity land uses and development in small rural townships. 11 - 28