Chapter 4 - Flora and Fauna and their Habitats Flow monitoring will be carried out on major and representative rivers so as to link habitat requirements with actual flows. Research Undertake research into methods of avoiding, remedying, or mitigating the effects of present land use practices on certain water bodies especially spring fed creeks and still water bodies such as the Wairau Lagoons. Investigation The Council will complete investigations to determine the effects, including effects on instream flora and fauna, of the current apportionment of flow between the Wairau Diversion and the Lower Wairau as part of the process of reviewing that apportionment. This work will be undertaken in consultation with potentially affected parties including Nelson/ Marlborough Fish and Game Council, Department of Conservation and iwi. Liaison The Council will liaise with the Nelson/ Marlborough Fish and Game Council, Department of Conservation and the Nelson/ Marlborough Eel Management Committee on its dredging programme on an annual basis in advance of the dredging being undertaken. Riparian The Council will prepare, in consultation with relevant parties, Management a Riparian Management Strategy to provide further guidance on Strategy the appropriate management of riparian margins so that their habitat, water quality, amenity and public access benefits are recognised and enhanced. Identification of The natural and human use values supported by surface water the values of bodies within the Plan area are identified in Appendix A of water bodies Volume One of the Plan. These values include ecological, habitat, recreational and natural character values. Regard can be had to these values when considering resource consent applications required as a result of rules in this Plan. As more is learnt about the values supported by water bodies in South Marlborough, it is possible to add to Appendix A by way of plan change. 4.4 Anticipated Environmental Results Implementation of the objectives, policies and methods relating to indigenous flora and fauna and their habitats will result in: • Sustainable habitats that enable maintenance or enhancement of population numbers and distribution of rare and endangered species; • Maintenance or enhancement of the integrity and natural species diversity of land and water communities, habitats and ecosystems; • Good stocks of native fish, trout, salmon and other aquatic life in fresh surface waters normally inhabited by these species; • Attractive aesthetic environment of wetlands, lakes and rivers; and 4 - 11