Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan 20 January 2010 9.22 Methods of Implementation Rules In general, rules provide for certain minor alterations to the foreshore and seabed as Permitted Activities subject to specific performance standards. Most alterations however, will be assessed on their merits, as a Discretionary Activity. Assessment The assessment criteria for Discretionary Activities involving Criteria foreshore and seabed alterations, enable the effects of the alteration on the coastal marine area to be assessed. An assessment of the effect of the proposed alteration on Maori cultural values, natural character, landscape and ecological values will also be required. The use of rules and associated assessment criteria, and performance standards where minor alterations are permitted, allows for control over the adverse effects of alterations to the foreshore and seabed. It also enables the numerous variabilities which exist in assessing the effects of the various types of alterations to the foreshore and seabed, to be taken into account. 9.23 Issue The potential effects from the construction and operation of a new ferry terminal in the vicinity of Marfells Beach, Clifford Bay. Consent has been granted by the Council for the development of a site in the vicinity of Marfells Beach, Clifford Bay as an inter-island ferry terminal which will include the construction of a reclamation, breakwater structures, port facilities, buildings and associated infrastructure required for the operation of a new safe port. The proposed port development will take place both within the coastal marine area and on the land. The proposal is of considerable importance to the national transportation network as well as to local and regional interests. The nature of the project will give rise to a number of environmental effects, both during and after construction. Particular matters which need to be considered include the purpose and design of structures, navigation and safety, public access, recreation activities, visual and aesthetic issues, iwi issues, the effect on coastal and other natural processes and short-term construction effects. 9.24 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 To provide for the social and economic well-being of the district and for nationally significant transport linkages through the development and the safe and efficient operation of an inter island ferry terminal in the vicinity of Marfells Beach Road, Clifford Bay. Objective 2 To avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects from the construction and operation of the ferry terminal including associated activities, erection of structures and occupation of space in the coastal marine area. 9 - 18