31 March 2010 Chapter 11 Urban Environments Methods of Implementation Zoning The Neighbourhood Business Zone locations are identified on the planning maps, incorporating local shopping areas throughout Blenheim. Rules Plan rules generally permit commercial activities and community facilities within the Neighbourhood Business Zone. Some commercial activities which have potentially greater adverse effects, particularly on neighbouring residential areas, are provided for as Discretionary Activities. These include restaurants, bars and other licensed facilities (including the sale of liquor in supermarkets) and the future expansion of the Springlands Neighbourhood Business Centre beyond what is allowed as a permitted activity. Performance Performance conditions to maintain amenities address matters such Conditions as building height and bulk, vehicle access and loading, car parking, noise, etc. Transport Implementation of the Marlborough’s Regional Land Transport Strategy in conjunction with the land transport requirements of this Plan (Chapter 19) will address the compatibility of the neighbourhood business centre with the transport network. Other Council and property owner enhancement of Neighbourhood Business Zones through paving, planting and similar methods. Neighbourhood business centres play an important role in the community. They supply day to day goods and services in a convenient and easily accessible manner. It is important that they are able to continue in a way in which adverse effects, particularly on nearby residential areas, are avoided, remedied or mitigated. 11.4 Industrial Areas Industry is a significant part of any community. It supplies the community with the goods and services it is dependent upon. In addition, industry provides a significant proportion of the population with employment. Within the Wairau/ Awatere area there are two types of industrial areas. Those urban industrial areas within Blenheim e.g. the Grove Road - Main Street area, Springlands and the milk treatment site in Redwood Street. The larger industrial estates at Burleigh, and Riverlands differ from the urban areas in that the sites are used for larger scale manufacturing and processing type activities. For the purposes of this Plan the former has been zoned Industrial 1 and the latter, Industrial 2. The different zonings enable the rules to address the different environmental needs and constraints. The objectives and policies remain the same and are included for both zones in this section. The grouping together of industrial activity within zones promotes the sustainable management of resources. The grouping together of industry creates efficiencies and enables any adverse effects to be contained and managed in a comprehensive manner. Industrial activity generally creates a number of recognisable and often significant 11 - 23