Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan • Rising sea levels due to thermal expansion of the oceans and melting ice caps; • Damage to ecosystems and increased soil erosion as a result of climatic changes. At present, the extent and magnitude of the effect of global warming is unknown. However, even small alterations in climate may affect social and economic wellbeing as well as the natural environment. 7.9 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 Reduction of discharges into air of ozone depleting substances and greenhouse gases to a level which is consistent with central government initiatives and directives. Policy 1.1 Support and promote, as appropriate, central government initiatives to reduce discharges of ozone depleting substances and greenhouse gases. Policy 1.2 Provide input to central government on the effects of its policies on the Wairau/ Awatere environment. Depletion of the ozone layer is a global issue. Initiatives and policies need to be co- ordinated on a national level within the framework of international protocols or agreements the government has signed, such as the Montreal Protocol. The Ozone Layer Protection Act 1990 (and its amendments) is the Government’s main tool for implementation of protocol obligations. The role of the Council is primarily advocacy, promotion of public awareness and, implementing and monitoring national policies. It is difficult to predict how changes to the climate will impact on Marlborough except to suggest the region will become hotter and drier. Therefore many agricultural and horticultural practices may no longer be sustainable without significant irrigation. Central government has primary responsibility for co-ordinating the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand, and has set a target which will hold net carbon dioxide levels at 1990 levels by the year 2000. 7.10 Methods of Implementation Rules Rules enable the discharge of contaminants to air from industrial trade premises and other potentially significant point sources by: • Permitting subject to conditions, discharges which have no, or only minor, adverse effects on human health, amenity values, or natural and physical resources. • Requiring a discharge permit for all discharges which if uncontrolled, may have adverse effects (other than minor effects) on human health, amenity values or natural and physical resources; and • Regulating through standards and conditions, activities that: generate dust; produce odour; require the application of agrichemicals; and produce smoke. 7 - 6