Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan (b) Whether the place or object has historic association with a person or event of note, or has strong public association for any reason; (c) Whether the place or object reflects past skills, style or workmanship which would make it of educational or architectural value; (d) Whether the place or object is unique or rare, or a work of art; (e) Whether the place or object is important to tangata whenua; (f) Whether the place or object is physically prominent or well sited; (g) Whether the place, as a whole, rather than in separate units, reflects a townscape which has developed in earlier years and has value for the Plan area both now and in the future; (h) Whether the place or object forms part of a precinct or area of heritage value. Criteria for identifying heritage trees Criteria for selection of heritage trees (notable and historic trees): (a) Any tree commemorating an important local event either in Maori or European history, settlement and development; (b) Any tree that is regarded as an important landmark and has been acknowledged as such for a significant period of time; (c) Any tree that has historic association with a well-known public figure or has had strong public association for some reason; (d) Any rare or important species; A stand of trees conforming to the above; (e) A stand of trees conforming to the above. Rules The inclusion of rules to protect scheduled heritage resources from damage or destruction. Different levels of protection will be attached to the various types of heritage resources and the differing classifications based on the heritage value or importance of the resource. The maintenance and minor alteration of heritage resources will be allowed for in order to ensure that heritage features are sustained and continue to provide a useful resource to the community. The subdivision of land will be controlled to prevent the separation of any land which is closely associated with the significance/ value of a heritage resource. Incentives The provision of incentives to promote the protection of scheduled and any other heritage resources. Any other heritage resources means any non-scheduled item which can be shown to meet some or all of the criteria for identifying heritage resources. Incentives will be investigated further and may include: 3 - 4