Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan 5 March 2015 Policy 4.2 Permit new developments and activities within established residential areas provided their effects are compatible with the landscape character and local amenity qualities including: • Noise levels; • Privacy; • Overall volumes of traffic movements; • Building bulk and density; and • Access to daylight. Policy 4.3 Control the height of buildings in residential areas in order to avoid, remedy or mitigate shading of adjoining properties and to maximise opportunities for views to important landscape features. Policy 4.4 Enable buildings within residential zones to be located within individual allotments at the discretion of the property developer; whilst ensuring that buildings located close to property boundaries do not shade adjoining properties or have intrusive height in relation to the property boundary. Policy 4.5 Maintain a low-to-medium density of building coverage on sites and ensure opportunities for space for domestic storage, service areas and private outside space within individual sites in the Urban Residential 2, Township Residential, and Deferred Township Residential Zones. Policy 4.6 Allow a medium-to-high density of building coverage on sites within the Urban Residential 1 Zone. Policy 4.7 Restrict noise emissions from all activities in residential zones to levels that reflect general background levels prevailing in those areas during daytime and night time hours. Policy 4.8 Require all proposed residential allotments to have sufficient area, shape, and access from a public road to accommodate a range of residential activities. Policy 4.9 Enable combined residential subdivision and development proposals, in the form of “integrated residential development”, through flexibility of standards to achieve higher density purpose built developments that maintain or enhance amenity standards. Policy 4.10 Subdivision of Colonial Vineyards (Corner of New Renwick Road and Aerodrome Road, Lot 2 DP 350626 and Lot 1 DP 11019) will be designed to meet the following urban design principles: a) It is not intended that the entire Urban Residential Zone be developed down to minimum lot sizes. The extent of the Urban Residential 1 zoning is to provide greater flexibility in locating higher density housing. b) Higher density housing will be clustered generally towards the north eastern corner of the block and around reserves. c) Lot sizes will be larger along and near the western and southern boundaries. 11 - 8