Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan Policy 1.4 Provide warnings and emergency response procedures for areas at risk from or affected by slope instability. Policy 1.5 Maintain a program for soil stability and vegetation in the Wither Hills area. Objective 2 Avoidance of activities which could increase the frequency, severity or potential occurrence of slope instability. Policy 2.1 Locate works and structures to avoid effects which increase the adverse effects of slope instability. Policy 2.2 Avoid, remedy or mitigate activities, including earthworks and vegetation clearance, increasing the risk or occurrence, or potential to cause damage, of slope instability. One of the major concerns with landslip hazards relates to damage or destruction of property and infrastructure, loss of amenity values, restriction of public access, and interruption to land and water ecosystems. Sustainable management of resources requires consideration of the avoidance of the adverse effects of natural hazards. Where effects cannot be avoided then they should be remedied or mitigated to provide for community health, safety and wellbeing. 17.5.3 Methods of Implementation Rules Provide for continued soil conservation works on Wither Hills. Identifying slope instability hazards for inclusion in the Hazards Register. Research Develop historical data base. Compile rainfall records for different and Monitoring parts of region. Determine threshold soil moisture levels for loessial soils. Develop zoning of slope hazard risks. Monitor existing landslip hazards. Information Maintain a Hazards Register. Education Promote community understanding of slope instability hazards and ways to avoid, remedy or mitigate the effects. Council Maintain protection works and structures. Maintain emergency Activities procedures in association with Emergency Response. 17.6 Seismic 17.6.1 Issue The potential for loss of life, damage to property and disruption to infrastructure arising from seismic activity. The Wairau/ Awatere region lies within the highest zone of earthquake risk in New Zealand. The principle elements of the Marlborough fault system are the Wairau, 17 - 12