Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan 30 September 2010 architecture and integrated colour schemes contributes to the attraction of the Central Business Zone as a destination in its own right. The vibrancy of the town centre relies on a balance of amenity and attractions, not simply a reliance on retailing. Issue Managing the vulnerability of the Central Business Zone from commercial activities outs ide the Central Business Zone. • Ensuring that the Primary Shopping Area and Central Business Zone remain the regional focus of commercial activity. • The need for redevelopment of the Primary Shopping Area, to improve its attractiveness and to ensure that sites meet modern retailer requirements. • The continued need to provide for larger-format retail development in the Central Business Zone where such activities are compatible within the Central Business Zone, while ensuring adequate parking and access to service both these sites and the Primary Shopping Area. • The pressure for larger format retail activity on sites outside the Primary Shopping Area/ Central Business Zone, balanced with the need to protect the surrounding amenity and to safeguard the local service function of the Neighbourhood Business Zones. • The need to limit commercial activity outside of the Central Business Zone to ensure the vitality and vibrancy of the Blenheim town centre and Neighbourhood Business Zones are not impacted on. • The need to allow commercial activities outside commercial zones which are ancillary to rural activities. • The need to make provision for other commercial activities where the adverse effects of such activities are not significant or where such activities are not physically or practically appropriate to locate within the existing business zones, Objectives and Policies Objective 1 Establishment of a retail hierarchy to ensure that commercial development is concentrated in appropriate locations and zones. Policy 1.1 Require a sequential approach to managing the location of commercial activity within Blenheim, using a retail hierarchy. Policy 1.2 Require justification of, the need for and the impact on the Central Business Zone from commercial development located outside the Primary Shopping Area and Central Business Zone. Policy 1.3 Provide for appropriate commercial activity in rural areas where directly related to rural industries or where such activities are not compatible within the existing business zones. Retail Hierarchy In recognition of the evolving needs and patterns of commercial activity within the Marlborough District, and the fundamental tenet of ensuring that the Blenheim town centre remains the regional retail centre, a hierarchy of location preferences has been created for commercial and retail activities. The hierarchy has four tiers. 11 - 18