Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan # Location Class Important Values Concerns Water Desired Quality Out- Classifi- come cation Wairau Catchment 23 Upper Opawa Medium Fishing - trout, eel. Groundwater level F, CR, AE M River from State Recreational area - change. Highway 1 to swimming, picnicking, Reduction in water Hammerichs Road nature watch. quality from adjacent landuse. Stock pollution and damage to riparian margin. 24 Pukaka Stream Medium Fish habitat - eel, Instream barriers to fish F, FS M and Drain whitebait, trout spawning. passage. Native fish diversity - 6 species. Recreational area - tramping, picnicking, passive. Fishing - Eel. 25 Tuamarina River Medium Fish habitat - adult Reduction in water F E including the Blue whitebait. quality from adjacent Spring Recreational area - landuse. swimming, picnicking. Sedimentation. Instream barriers to fish passage from Wairau River. 26 Para Swamp High Fish habitat - adult Instream barriers to fish F M whitebait, trout spawning. passage. Outstanding natural Infilling by willow, wetland area. sediment and weeds. Bird habitat - grey teal, Reduction in water pukeko, mallard, grey quality from adjacent duck, shoveller, landuse. Australasian bittern. Native diversity includes threatened banded kokopu. Fishing - trout, eel. Flora – nationally vulnerable species. Recreational area - nature watch, hunting. 27 Are Are Creek Low Fish habitat - depleted at Stock pollution and F, FS M present. damage to riparian Trout spawning, eel. margin. App A - 8