Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan protection. Protection should be promoted, but it will not always be possible or feasible, nor does the relevant legislation require this. 3.2 Issue Retaining a sense of the cultural heritage that contributes to the character of the Wairau/Awatere area In managing the use and development of the natural and physical resources, regard must be given to the cultural heritage resources and values which contribute to the character of the Plan area. To give effect to this obligation the Plan must: • Identify those heritage resources which contribute to the character of the Plan area and therefore need to be retained; and • Adopt suitable measures to secure the preservation of the identified heritage resources. The Council, along with the community, has the responsibility to ensure that heritage resources are protected and retained for future generations. The New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement defines the Council’s heritage role in respect of the coastal environment. Heritage values are referred to in the general principles section of the NZCPS and again at Policy 1.1.3 and Section 3.1.2. Policy 1.1.3 requires as a national priority that appropriate recognition and provision be given to characteristics of special spiritual, historical or cultural significance to Maori and significant places or areas of historic or cultural significance. Section 3.1.2 of the NZCPS requires the identification of, and that appropriate protection be given to historic areas and areas of cultural significance. The Historic Places Act also controls any land disturbance modification of archaeological sites (Maori and non-Maori) which predate 1900. 3.3 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 The protection or preservation of heritage resources, in appropriate cases, including: historic buildings, places and sites, waahi tapu, archaeological sites and areas, and heritage trees. Policy 1.1 Recognise the heritage resources which have been identified and provide the necessary protection to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects of activities on these resources. Policy 1.2 Research and assess additional items of heritage value in the Wairau/ Awatere Plan area (of local significance) in consultation with iwi and the Historic Places Trust, NZ Archaeological Association, and the Department of Conservation. Policy 1.3 Provide incentives for the conservation of all heritage resources. Policy 1.4 Consider favourably proposed uses of scheduled heritage resources which may not be permitted as of right on the site concerned but which will encourage preservation and maintenance of the item. 3 - 2