Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan 25 August 2011 9.29 Anticipated Environmental Results Implementation of the policies and methods relating to the coastal marine issues will result in: Appropriate activities able to be undertaken within the coastal marine area; The recreational values of the coastal marine area maintained and enhanced; Management of the Wairau River Mouth and Wairau Diversion Mouth in a manner that ensures the integrity of the flood protection system while avoiding adverse effects on navigation, recreation and the significant conservation and cultural values of the Wairau Lagoons; Maintenance and enhancement of public access to and along the East Marlborough Coast, while accepting that certain restrictions may be required; Protection of the coastal environment and significant conservation values from inappropriate sand and shingle extraction, and other foreshore disturbance/ alteration, including dredging, deposition of material and reclamation; and The development and operation of a ferry terminal and associated activities in the vicinity of Marfells Beach Road, Clifford Bay in a manner which provides for the development of the local, regional and national transport network while at the same time avoiding, remedying or mitigating the effects on the environment. 9 - 22