Table of Contents Volume One - Policies and Objectives 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Tangata Whenua 3.0 Heritage 4.0 Flora and Fauna and their Habitats 5.0 Landscape 6.0 Fresh Water 7.0 Air 8.0 Public Access 9.0 Coastal Marine 10.0 Natural Character 11.0 Urban Environments 12.0 Rural Environments 13.0 Open Space/Recreation 14.0 Land Disturbance 15.0 Discharge of Contaminants to Land 16.0 Undesirable Plants and Animals 17.0 Natural Hazards 18.0 Hazardous Substances and Facilities 19.0 Land Transport 20.0 Utilities 21.0 Outdoor Advertising 22.0 Noise 23.0 Subdivision and Development 24.0 Mineral Extraction Appendix A Values Associated with Fresh Water Resources Appendix B Existing Landcare Groups Appendix C Ecological Significance Criteria