Chapter 4 - Flora and Fauna and their Habitats Key Values and Threats To Upland Ecosystems Major Values Major Threats threatened scree skink habitat destruction, rabbits, pigs alpine tussock land habitat for vulnerable wide ranging fire species such as falcon remnant stands of beech stock, goats, fire, plant pests scree and rocky alpine fell field plant communities with goats, stock Inland Marlborough endemics remote recreation opportunities better access, facilities historical structures lack of maintenance Inland Kaikoura Ranges very high plant diversity browsers regionally threatened plants at Isolated Hill goats, possums, stock, pigs, plant pests habitat for the rare scree skink at Isolated Hill goats, possums, stock, plant pests bluff weta of unknown status rats, stoats unique limestone communities with endemics and goats, sheep vulnerable species extensive scree and alpine fell field plant communities goats, chamois, sheep endemic bluff plant communities plant pests, goats, stock sub-alpine shrublands with a suite of threatened endemic goats, stock, pines plants remote recreation in a tussock land setting access, fire Key Values and Threats To Lowland Ecosystems Major Values Major Threats dry shrubland communities development, plant pests, rabbits unique community supporting Carex inopinata at Kowhai visitor use Point Scenic Reserve locally endemic red rock daisy at Little Haldon Hills stock, clearance unique plant community on lowland limestone at Isolated stock, goats, possums Hill alluvial podocarp forest remnants at Onamalutu none forest remnants on Wairau River clearance, stock regionally endemic communities on riversides and bluffs spraying, stock, goats threatened endemic Australopyrum wheatgrass on the stock Leatham limestone belt alluvial ultramafic vegetation, upper Wairau drainage, development 4.2.2 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 The protection of areas of significant indigenous vegetation and habitats Policy 1.1 The Council will recognise and protect, and where appropriate enhance, areas of significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna. 4 - 3