Chapter 1 - Introduction Table 1.1: Monitoring Factors Resource Issue Anticipated Environmental Monitoring Factor Result land transport safe and efficient transport system traffic accidents environmental effects minimised consents complaints network utilities provision of services consents provision of facilities community health outdoor advertising minimise safety effects consents provision for convenience accidents maintain amenity complaints provision of information facilities noise provision for individual health ambient (background) noise provision for community health consents complaints subdivision protection of natural character consents conservation of open space financial contributions reserves provide for and minimise effects on facilities infrastructure reserves The annual monitoring program will be specified in the Annual Plan, each financial year. Changes in funding availability, work priority, and response to particular situations will influence the specific content of the monitoring program in any particular year. Continuing analysis of monitoring data will enable an assessment of the appropriateness of the monitoring being undertaken and whether it is providing information appropriate to assessment of the effectiveness of the achievement of the plan objectives and policies. Monitoring results may indicate where some of the objectives, policies and methods of the Plan require modification prior to a full review. Should this become necessary, the Council shall change the Plan in accordance with the plan change procedures contained within the First Schedule of the Act. The Council has powers under Part XII of the Act to require persons to cease or not commence any activity which is or is likely to: • Contravene the Act, any regulation, a rule in this Plan, or resource consent; or • Be noxious, dangerous, offensive, or objectionable to such an extent that it has or is likely to have an adverse effect on the environment. Under Section 38 of the Act the Council can authorise officers to carry out the functions and powers of Enforcement Officers. Enforcement Officers may serve abatement notices against persons who are breaching the Act, a rule in the Plan or a resource consent, or operating in a manner which is having an adverse effect on the environment. In relation to noise, an abatement notice may require the adoption of the best practicable option to ensure that the emission of noise from land or water does not exceed a reasonable level. If abatement notices are not acted upon, the Environment Court may issue an enforcement order requiring compliance. 1 - 13