Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan Policy 1.2 Maintain or enhance indigenous vegetation and habitats and encourage and support voluntary restoration. Policy 1.3 Maintain controls on land disturbance operations and discourage use of fire where significant environmental damage will result. Policy 1.4 Avoid, remedy or mitigate the effects of land use activities which are detrimental to natural values. Policy 1.5 Promote and where appropriate implement management options to achieve protection for areas of significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna, including where appropriate, the establishment of reserves. Policy 1.6 Promote landowner and public understanding of the range of management options available to achieve protection of areas of significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna. Policy 1.7 Promote landowner and public understanding of the importance of protecting areas of significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna because of their intrinsic, conservation, social, economic, scientific, cultural and educational worth, and for their contribution to natural character. Policy 1.8 The following criteria will be used to determine sites of significance: • Representativeness; • Rarity; • Diversity and pattern; • Distinctiveness/ special ecological characteristics; • Size and shape; • Connectivity; and • Sustainability. (For the purposes of this policy, Appendix C to Volume One sets out guidelines for the application of ecological significance criteria in assessing a site.) Policy 1.9 Maintain an effective strategy for the containment/ eradication of undesirable animals and plants. Policy 1.10 Encourage the conservation management of high country grasslands and alpine herbfields. Policy 1.11 To provide for the protection of natural wetlands. Policy 1.12 To recognise the importance of restoring native riparian vegetation in the restoration and management of wetlands and indigenous aquatic ecosystems. Policy 1.13 The adverse effects of subdivision, use or development, on areas of significant indigenous vegetation and habitats in the coastal 4 - 4