20 January 2011 Chapter 9 - Coastal Marine structure on long and offshore sediment movement and wave refraction in terms of possible erosion and accretion, as well as on the local ecology. 9.15 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 To avoid as far as practicable, then remedy or mitigate adverse effects from activities and/or occupation of space and the erection of structures in the coastal marine area. Policy 1.1 To manage the adverse effects of occupation of space, structures and activities in the CMA in respect of their impact on the following: Cultural and iwi values; The natural character of the coastal environment; Coastal processes; Heritage and amenity values; Recreation values; Public health, safety (including navigational safety) and enjoyment; Water quality; Conservation and ecological values; Marine habitats and sustainability; and Landscape, seascape and aesthetic values. Policy 1.2 Exclusive occupation of the coastal marine area or occupation which effectively excludes the public will only be allowed to the extent necessary to carry out the activity. Policy 1.3 Consider the visual effects of structures and incorporate measures to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects. Policy 1.4 Avoid the proliferation of foreshore structures. Policy 1.5 The erection of structures on areas of specified conservation and ecological values specified in Appendix D Volume Two should be designed to withstand coastal processes and have regard to management plans or Guidelines where these are in place. The Plan seeks to protect the East Marlborough Coast from any adverse effects of activities, occupation and structures, particularly those which would detract from significant ecological and conservation values. It also seeks to provide protection from the effects of poorly designed and/or constructed foreshore and seabed structures. 9 - 13