Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 2 October 2014 DAM means a device or structure placed in the bed of a river for the purpose of impeding the flow of water. DATA RECORDING DEVICE means a device or equipment installed on-board ship that automatically records and stores navigation, ship speed and related da ta. DAY means a period of 24 hours commencing at midnight. dB(A) means a frequency-weighted sound pressure level in decibels relative to a reference sound pressure of 20 micropascals. DECIBEL means the term used to identify ten times the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of two like quantities proportional to power or energy. DEVELOPER for the purpose of subdivision, includes subdivider. DEVELOPMENT other than residential areas means constructing, erecting or altering any one or more buildings intended to be used solely or principally for Commercial, Industrial, Port, Marina or Rural Township purposes where the value of the construction, erection or alteration will exceed $250,000. DISCRETIONARY ACTIVITY * means an activity: a) Which is provided for, as a Discretionary Activity, by a rule in the Plan or proposed plan; and b) Which is allowed only if a resource consent is obtained in respect of that activity; and c) Which may have standards and terms specified in the Plan or proposed plan; and d) In respect of which the consent authority may restrict the exercise of its discretion to those matters specified in the plan or proposed plan for that activity. DnT, w Ctr50 -3150 means the standardised level difference (outdoor or indoor) and is a measure of the airborne sound insulation provided by the external building envelope (including window ceilings and floors walls, s, where appropriate) described using DnT,w Ctr50-3150 as defined in the following standards: AS/ NZS ISO 717.1:2004 Acoustics – Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements Part 1: Airborne sound insulation (using spectrum no.2). ISO 140-5:1998 Acoustics – Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements Part 5: Field measurements of airborne sound insulation of façade elements and facades. DOMESTIC LIVESTOCK means livestock bred, reared and/ or kept on the property for home consumption, or as pets, or for hobby purposes and from which little or no income is derived. I n the case of the keeping of pigs , not more than two may be ke pt as Domestic Livestock in the Urban Residential and Sounds Res idential Zones. DOMESTIC WASTEWATER means wastewater originating from household or personal activities including toilets, urinals, kitchens, bathrooms (including shower, washbasins, bath, spa bath but not spa) and laundries. Includes such wastewater flows from facilities serving staff/ employees/ residents/ students/ guests in institutional, commercial and industrial establishments, but excluding commercial and industrial wastes, large scale laundry activities and any stormwater flows. DRAINAGE CHANNEL means an artificial or other watercourse maintained or created for the purposes of removing drainage, storm water and ponded surface water. 25 - 4