Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan The New Zealand Historic Places Trust shall be consulted with in respect of any application involving a heritage feature recorded in the Historic Places Trust Register or any recorded archaeological site. Iwi consultation will be required for any application involving an archaeological or waahi tapu site or area or any other heritage resource which relates to tangata whenua. In the case of Controlled Activities, the following assessment matters shall only apply in respect of the conditons that may be imposed on a resource i consent. For Discretionary Activities, the following criteria apply in considering wheth er or not to decline consent or impose conditions. 26.3.2 Heritage Resource - Other than Archaeological and Waahi Tapu Sites and Areas Assessment Criteria a) The immediate or cumulative effects of the demolition, removal, alteration or addition to the feature on local heritage; b) The reasons for the listing of the heritage resource and the category in which it appears; c) Where the feature is part of a group of similar features, any adverse effect on the integrity of the group shall be considered; d) Any effort by the applicant to retain important features of the heritage resource where possible; e) The extent to which any alteration or addition is in keeping with the original design and materials; and f) Any other appropriate condition which enables all or part of the heritage resource to be retained, picks up on any incentives available to the applicant to retain the heritage resource or relates to any of the policies contained within Volume One. 26.3.3 Heritage Resources - Heritage Trees Assessment Criteria The removal or alteration of scheduled trees are a Discretionary Activity. In considering any such application the Council may give consent where one or more of the following is established: a) The tree or trees are dying, diseased, or have lost the essential qualities which they were originally listed and protected for; b) The tree or trees have become a danger to people and/ or any part of the environment, natural or built; c) The tree or trees are seriously restricting a particular use of the site which offers significantly greater benefits in terms of amenity value; d) Any substitute or compensating tree planting or landscaping proposed; and 26 -34