Chapter 28 - Standard Requirements 28.1.6 Written Report In addition to the other information required, the following report shall also be lodg ed with all applications: a) An assessment of effects on the environment as prescribed in the Fourth Schedule of the Act; b) A statement of compliance with the allotment design, access and visibility requirements of the Plan; c) A comment on any other resource consents required. (eg; land disturbance, stormwater discharge); d) Services, reticulation and connections (stormwater, water supply and sanitary sewer); e) Any effects on or discharges to natural waterbodies and tidal waterways and details on the design capacity and projected volume of discharge; f) Road construction effects (both temporary construction effects and long term effects); g) Proposed new road names; h) Impacts on water for irrigation; i) Proposed earthworks (cutting and filling and vegetation removal); j) Impacts on native bush or other significant features; k) Any proposal for encumbrances on potential building sites; l) Land stability; and m) Any effects on special site conditions, features, or buildings. Reports by geotechnical, forestry, iwi, heritage, archaeological, ecological or other consultants. A summary of the results of any consultation undertaken with other organisations or persons likely to be affected by the proposed subdivision. The signatures, signed on a copy of the subdivision plan and on the Council’s formal consent form, of any affected persons as required by the Council in terms of section 94 of the Act. Where it is expected that any effects arising from the subdivision, or work associated with the subdivision, will require ongoing monitoring the report should include a description of how those effects will be monitored and by whom and how the cost of monitoring will be met. 28.1.7 Applications for Rights of Way The creation of ‘stand alone’ rights of way under the Local Government Act 1974 is beyond the scope of the Plan. Section 348 of the Local Government Act 1974 applies in this instance. 28.1.8 Additional Documents to be Submitted As a condition of its approval of the subdivision application and completion, the Council may require additional documents to be submitted. These additional documents comprise: 28 - 5