11 September 2014 Chapter 35 - Coastal Marine Zones One, Two and Three Matters Over Which Control is Reserved and For Which Conditions May Be Impos ed The Council reserves its control over and may impose conditions in respect of the following matters: a) The duration of the consent; b) The spatial limits of defined navigation corridors within which a ship shall be permitted to travel provided that these shall not interfere with the safe navigation of the Ship and shall be consistent with national and international regulations; c) Maximum values of Ship Speed over defined areas within the National Transportation Route; d) Approved methods), frequency and certification of calibration of the Data Recording Device(s) required by this Plan to measure Ship Speed; e) The Set Interval for data recorded in the Data Recording Devices; f) The format, storage method, mode of transmission and frequency of transmission to the Council of the data recorded in the Data Recording Devices; g) The purpose, timing and criteria for review of any of the conditions of consent; h) The administrative charges payable. Applications for resource consent under Rule 35.2.6 will be publicly notified. 35.2.7 Use of surface water by high speed ships or ships that exceed 500 gross registered tonnes which are travelling at a ship speed exceeding 15 knots in the National Transportation Route for the purposes of undertaking measurements of Wave Energy, including any associated disturbance of the foreshore and seabed. Terms a) A resource consent will apply only to the ship for which consent has been obtained and will be distinguished by the International Maritime Organisation number and name; b) The ship shall carry Data Recording Devices which shall be operated at all times whilst the ship is travelling in the National Transportation Route. c) Whilst operational, the Data Recording Devices shall record: (i) date and time (to the nearest second); (ii) the ship's plan position based on either WSG84, NZGD2000 or the NZTM projection datum; (iii) the speed of the ship over the ground; (iv) Ship Speed through the water; d) Data shall be recorded in the Data Recording Devices at a Set Interval of not more than 60 seconds. 35 - 15