Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan a) Existing lines for conveying electricity at all voltages and capacities and existing telecommunications lines; b) Existing telecommunication facilities and radiocommunication facilities; c) Existing buildings and depots; d) Existing weather radar; e) Existing flood protection works; and f) Navigational aids. Note: Other General standards and conditions do not apply to Where a utility is unable to comply with any one or more of the conditions listed in that utility shall be a Limited Discretionary Activity. In considering whether to grant or decline consent for a utility that is a Limited Discretionary Activity, and in evaluating any conditions that may be imposed on any such consent, the Council’s discretion can only be exercised in relation to the condition with which the utility is unable to comply. In evaluating whether to grant or decline consent and in evaluating any consent conditions, the Council’s evaluation will be restricted to an assessment of: a) the scale and nature and extent of non-compliance with the condition(s) not being met; and b) the measures proposed by the utility operator to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects that may result from non compliance with the condition(s). Any person unearthing or otherwise disturbing any historical, cultural, archaeological artefact or waahi tapu of significance to iwi during the course of a land disturbance operation shall cease work immediately and report the discovery to the Council. Work may not recommence unless expressly agreed to it in writing by the Iwi who have jurisdiction or manawhenua over it, or resource consent to a Discretionary Activity has been obtained. 26.5.2 Designations NB: In accordance with section 184 and section 184A of the Act all designations are for the life of the Plan. Information to be provided with requirement In the case of any notice of requirement for a designation under section 168 of the Act or notice or requirement to alter a designation where information is required under section 181 of the Act, the following information shall be provided: a) A statement of reasons why the designation is needed; b) A description of the site, the proposed work and any proposed restrictions; c) A description of the effects the work will have on the environment and how these are to be mitigated; d) A statement of any alternative sites, routes or methods considered; e) A statement of the consultation with affected persons; and f) A statement of resource consents required and if these have been applied for. 26 - 44