Chapter 36 - Rural Zones One and Two • The landfill site and operation has an appropriately designed and operated leachate and groundwater quality surveillance programme which indicates insignificant levels of groundwater contamination and will be regularly monitored for potentially hazardous constituents following acceptance; • The operator applies cover on a daily basis and low permeability intermediate and final cover; • The site has adequate low permeability/ attenuating lining materials and appropriate subsoil conditions as evaluated by a detailed hydrogeological investigation; • The site is further than 3km from any significant point of water abstraction and use within the same hydrogeological catchment; • The site is securely fenced and has personnel in attendance during all times of operation capable of assessing whether documentation with wastes is adequate. Additionally, personnel must be available who can decide how to evaluate specific wastes and determine the required disposal option, and who are fully instructed in the requirements for safe handling of the particular waste both for themselves and other landfill users. Where wastes are proposed to be accepted, appropriate testing (concentration and leachability of constituents) should be carried out; • The site has at least a 4 metres depth of well compacted refuse available above the site base; • The site has acceptable control of stormwater, and applies cover at least on a weekly basis; • The site is further than 1km from any significant point of water extraction and use; • The closure is to include a low permeability protective cap; • The site is further than 500 metres from residential areas; • The site is located and engineered such that extreme meteorological events will not cause significant mobilisation of wastes by such processes as erosion, wave action, and stormwater run-off; and • The operation has in place appropriate operational, quality assurance, emergency response, and post closure management plans. Effluent Treatment Ponds, Facilities, Associated Plant, Outfall Structures, Land Irrigation Systems The discharge of contaminants onto or into land air and water associated with on-site effluent treatment and treatment of reticulated sewage shall be a Discretionary Activity. Assessment Criteria When assessing resource consent applications for discharges from reticulated sewerage systems the following matters will be considered: a) The nature of the contaminants entering the sewerage system and being discharged to land from the system; b) Whether trade wastes are present in the system and any steps taken or required in order to: 36 - 39