Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 10 March 2006 (i) The capacity of the treatment unit and the level of treatment; (j) The rate and method of discharge; (k) The size of the land application area and alternative locations for the land application area; (l) The necessity for monitoring the performance of the on-site wastewater management system; and (m) The management and maintenance of the on-site wastewater management system, including the ability to access the on-site system for maintenance purposes.; and (n) Alternative on-site wastewater management systems. 39.3 Discretionary Activities Application must be made for a Resource Consent for a Discretionary Activity for the following: • Activities listed as Permitted Activities which do not comply with conditions or with the provisions for minor compliance dealt with as Limited Discretionary Activities; • Community facilities, places of assembly, clubrooms, licensed premises, not a Permitted Activity and not provided for in a Management Plan prepared under the Reserves Act 1977; and • Lighting including night training lights not provided for in a Management Plan prepared under the Reserves Act 1977; • Building construction in riparian management zone as identified in Appendix I and the Ecology maps in Volume Thr ee. 39.3.1 General Assessment Criteria Any application for a Discretionary or Non-Complying Activity shall generally comply with the conditions for Permitted Activities. In addition they shall be the subject of the following assessment criteria: Matters the Subject of Assessment Any relevant objective, policies and rules of the Plan; Any relevant objectives, policies and rules of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement; Any relevant objectives, policies and rules of any policy, statement or plan prepared under the Resource Management Act; The requirements of section 104 of the Act; and The likely effects of the proposed activity on the amenities enjoyed by any adjoining property and traffic movement or road safety. Whether the proposal will diminish the natural character of the locality, having regard to the natural character areas identified in Appendix Two, Volume One. 39 - 12