20 March 2014 Chapter 27 - Subdivision b) Frontage Minimum frontage 18 metres but where the side boundaries diverge from the street the frontage may be reduced to 8 metres if the width of the site at a distance of 10 metres from the street is not less than 18 metres. (Direct quotation from Marlborough Division Section, Ordinance III, Clause 2.3, Page 65D). These subdivisions are then to be assessed in terms of Rules 27.2.2,, 27.2.4 and 27.2.5. The continuing rights status of property in this category is prescribed in Appendix E of the Plan. Cross-Lease or Unit Plan Subdivisions Existing Development Cross-lease or Unit Plan subdivisions which involve the legal separation of existing structures/ units or building consent issued on complying sites (section 10 of the Act applies) at the date of the Plan becoming operative shall be Controlled Activities, subject to compliance with section 224(f) of the Act. All other Cross- Lease or Unit Plan subdivisions shall be Discretionary Activities. The re-subdivision of existing cross-lease or unit title plans to obtain individual freehold titles shall be a controlled activity, providing there is no physical change to the use of this site. State Highways A subdivision proposal which meets all of the Controlled Activity criteria of this section and which has frontage to a state highway shall be considered as a Discretionary Activity Subdivision under Rule 27.3 below. Under the Transit New Zealand Act 1989, in Part IV, certain roads (State Highways) have been declared limited access roads. These roads are subject to separate procedures under that Act. These procedures may prevent subdivision where land fronts a limited access road. Transit New Zealand should be consulted, prior to an application being lodged with the Council. Additionally, developers should note that the Council also has the legal opportunity to declare limited access roads. (There are no Council declared limited access roads in Marlborough at the date the Plan became operative). High Voltage Electrical Transmission Lines A subdivision proposal which is listed as a Controlled Activity and which meets the standards for a Controlled Activity but which is within 20m of a 110 kilo volt or higher transmission line shall be considered as a Discretionary Subdivision Activity under Rule 27.3 below. Advisory Note: The New Zealand Electrical Code of Practice for Electrical Safety Distances NZECP 34:1993) regulates the minimum safety distance in which activities can be undertaken near high voltage electrical transmissions lines. Transpower should be consulted prior to an application for subdivision being lodged with the Council. (High voltage electrical transmission lines are shown in Volume 3, zoning map 4-6, 44-46, 51, 64-66). 27 - 5