Chapter 32 - Urban Industrial Zone e) Minimum building setback from the margin of any river, lake or wetland shall be 8 metres or where there is a stopbank shall be 8 metres from the landward toe of that stopbank. Outdoor Storage a) Any outdoor storage shall be located behind the building setbacks in Rule above; and b) Any outdoor storage area shall be screened from public view and shall be screened from an Urban Residential Zone (where applicable) by a solid wall or close boarded fence with a minimum height of 2 metres. Area to be Landscaped All front lots and all lots abutting adjoining zone boundaries shall have: a) A minimum of 5% of the site shall be set aside and landscaped; b) All required landscaped areas shall be located between the road frontage and front of buildings on the site, except on rear sites. Except that on sites abutting either an Urban Residential Zone or a Town Commercial Zone, at least half the required landscaped area shall be located between the building and abutting zone boundary; c) Any landscaped areas shall include a landscaping strip of a minimum average width of 1.5 metres and minimum width of 0.6 metres, adjacent to the road frontage, except across entranceways or on sites or parts of a site on the opposite side of a road from an Urban Residential Zone or Town Commercial Zone, where the landscaping strip will be a minimum average width of 4.5 metres and a minimum width of 1.5 metres adjacent to the road frontage; and d) Landscaping strips or planting protection areas shall not be covered with any impervious surfaces. Where adjacent to or within carparks, landscape strips shall be protected by wheel stop barriers to prevent damage from motor vehicles. 32.1.3 Land Disturbance Land Disturbance General Any land disturbance activity which meets the conditions below is a Permitted Activity. Conditions a) Any increase in the concentration of suspended sediment shall not be more than 20% as measured by the ‘black disk’ method, notwithstanding that the concentration of suspended sediment in run-off water shall not exceed 200 grams/cubic metre at any point of discharge to any receiving water. The effects on the receiving water are to be measured at a distance downstream of two widths of the receiving watercourse or 50 metres, whichever is the lesser; b) No woody material of greater than 100mm diameter shall be left in any permanently flowing river, lake, wetland or sea as a result of a land disturbance operation; and 32 - 5